Helene Shue, an 89-year-old widow, has lived on her 41-acre farm near Hershey for 50 years.
Shue's land and home was sold at a tax sale in September because of $572 in unpaid 2001 County property taxes. She had paid her taxes in full every other year, including this year.
County Tax officials said repeated attempts were made to collect the unpaid taxes. They said proper notification was made, including posting notices on Shue’s door, before the property was put up for auction.
Philip Dobson paid $15,000 for the land that Shue previously declined to sell for $1 million. But Dobson has agreed to give the land back to Shue.
Dobson said he "had no idea when I bought it that there was an 89-year-old widow living there. I found that out when I was reading the newspaper."
In explaining his decision to give back the land, Dobson said:
It was a no-brainer, a moral issue, not a legal one. The property should be returned to her.Dobson said returning the land was the only thing to do, adding:
I got something better than a million-dollar property. I got a hug from a little old lady. That was worth more than anyone could imagine.Mary Klaus writing in the Patriot-News reports that Shue’s nephew said: "Mr. Dobson is a fine, upstanding person."
A follow-up to this story.
Posted by: Sandy | Saturday, August 21, 2004 at 01:55 PM