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Wednesday, January 21, 2004


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Philip Cleary


Wesley Clark 13
Howard Dean 24
John Edwards 16
John Kerry 32.5
Joe Lieberman 10.5
Dennis Kucinich 2
Al Sharpton 1
Other 1
Total 100

Tung Yin

Uh, can I change my prediction (comment #2 above)? Now I think it's:

Kerry (40%)
Dean (25%)
Edwards (15%)
Clark (14%)
Lieberman (6%)
Sharpton (0%)


Kerry 32%
Clark 28%
Dean 20%
Edwards 14%
Lieberman 5%
Kucinich 1%

Scott Harris

Kerry 40%
Dean 22%
Clark 15%
Edwards 13%
Lieberman 8%
Kucinich 1.5%
Sharpton 0.5%

Tung Yin

Given my relatively poor job of predicting the Iowa results despite living there, I'm loathe to get embarrassed again. I'll just bury my prediction in this comment thread:

1) Dean
2) Kerry
3) Edwards
4) Clark
5) Lieberman
6) Kucinich
7) Sharpton

The Commissarr

If we're keeping track, that's a different matter. :)

Suffice to say that my numbers merely served to give some specificity to my prediction:

Clark first, Kerry close 2nd.
Dean & Edwards lagging, but respectable (>10%)
Lieberman and others out of it.

And all that "caps" the top guy in the low 30%s.

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