The New Hampshire primary results were:
Kerry 39%
Dean 26%
Clark 13%
Edwards 12%
Lieberman 9%
Kucinich 1%
Sharpton 0%
Over 50 bloggers predicted Kerry would win. Because so many decided to trust the polls, I declare the winners to be those four bloggers who correctly predicted the entire order of finish for all seven candidates. Unfortunately none of the eight bloggers who correctly predicted Kerry's Iowa win got the New Hampshireresults completely right. The six that used the crystal balls again this week all picked Kerry again. Is that skill, luck or stubbornness?
Drum roll. The best crystal balls, this week, were used by:
Matthew J. Stinson.
Jonathan David Morris, at Radical Cowboys.
DrMabuse, at Return of the Reluctant.
Scott Harris (who left only his name).
All four correctly predicted Kerry, Dean, Clark, Edwards, Lieberman, Kucinich and Sharpton. Well Done!
Kerry, Dean and Edwards
Twenty-four of us were tripped up when Clark managed to squeak by Edwards for third place:
Randy Balko, at The Agitator, one of last week's winners.
Jeff Quinton, at Backcountry Conservative
Professor Bainbridge.
McGehee, at blogoSPERICS.
Pat Curley, at Brainster's Blog.
Broken Masterpieces.
Me, right here at California Yankee.
Captain Ed, at Captain's Quarters.
Chris, at
John J. Miller, at The Corner.
Election Projection.
Joshua Harris, at Independent Thinker,
Vincent Ferrari, at Insignificant Thoughts, one of last week's winners.
Kevin, at Lean Left.
Ryne McClaren.
Mike Courtney, at Mike (and family) .
Robert Garcia Tagorda, at Priorities & Frivolities.
Bob Hegney, at Radical Cowboys.
Shaun Dale, at Upper Left.
Kevin Aylward, at Wizbang, one of last week's winners.
Professor Tun-Ying, of The Yin Blog.
Kerry, Dean, Edwards Lieberman and Clark
Eleven predicted that both Edwards and Lieberman would beat Clark:
Betsy Newmark, at Betsy's Page.
Erick, at Confessions Of A Political Junkie.
Jonah Goldberg, at The Corner.
Dave Kopel, at The Corner.
Daniel Drezner, one of last week's winners.
Hei Lun, at Duck Season.
Robert, at GoDubya!, .
Kirk McPike, at MindtheGap.
Brian, at Tomfoolery.
Brandon, at,
Eric, at Viking Pundit.
Kerry, Dean and Lieberman
Three saw Lieberman finishing third:
Owen, at Boots and Sabers.
Robert Holcomb, at Bush Blog.
Kathryn Jean Lopez, at The Corner.
Kerry, Edwards and Dean
Six predicted Edwards finishing second:
Carl, at Between the Coasts,.
Chip Griffin, at The Corner.
KJL, at The Corner. Is that two different predictions?
Discount Blogger.
Mark A. Kilmer's Political Annotation.
Oliver Willis.
Kerry and Clark
Three predicted Clark would finish second:
Nick, at Anti-Climacus, one of last week's winners.
Joe Carter, at the evangelical outpost.
Tintin (who left only a name).
Kerry and Lieberman
Myria, at It Can't Rain all The Time, paid too much attention to the signs.
PontifexExMachina, one of last week's winners, stuck with Kerry.
Three predicted that Dean would prevail.
Hugh Hewitt .
Ipse Dixit.
Steven Taylor, at PoliBlog.
The Commissar, at The Politburo Diktat, saw Clark winning it.
An honorable, or equivocating, mention goes to Atrios, at Eschaton, for predicting Kerry or Dean and Clark or Edwards.
Carl it wasn't Robert it was I who made the dismal prediction that Joe would keep up some "joementum" and come in third.
Oh well. Great work on the wrap up.
Posted by: Josh McClain | Thursday, January 29, 2004 at 06:47 PM
Good work, but you could have made me look better than that...Oh yeah, I did foul it up pretty bad but at least I admitted that I knew I was out on a limb.
This is interesting to get a snapshot of everyone's thoughts.
Posted by: Carl | Wednesday, January 28, 2004 at 10:46 PM
Great post. Very thorough.
Posted by: The Commissar | Wednesday, January 28, 2004 at 08:34 PM
I blame my performance on Edwards!
Nice job on the round-up.
Posted by: Robert Tagorda | Wednesday, January 28, 2004 at 07:32 PM
Quite an extensive roundup. Who knew such a large percentage of moderates would show up? If not, Edwards would have gotten 3rd, and Dean would have been a lot closer.
Posted by: Chris | Wednesday, January 28, 2004 at 06:21 PM
Actually I was dumb enough to predict Dean ahead of Kerry also.
Posted by: Tim | Wednesday, January 28, 2004 at 05:46 PM