The Hartford Courant reports that Children of illegal immigrants have a tough time getting into four year colleges.
Shaira Mitchell-Cohen came to Connecticut with her mother from their native Chile in 1997. Her mother is an illegal alien, undocumented immigrant to the PC police.
Shaira wants to go to college, then medical school and become a plastic surgeon. Her first choice for college was the University of Connecticut at Stamford. Shaira's high school counselor told her not even to bother applying.
UConn is one of a few public colleges across the country that flatly deny admission to undocumented aliens, no matter how long they have lived in the state or how strong their academic promise.
Shaira is suffering the consequences for her mother's illegal act. It doesn't seem fair to Shaira that her mother came to the U.S. so Shaira could have a future and now Shaira asks, "and now, what future will I have?"
It is estimated that 39,000 illegal aliens live in Connecticut. The children of those illegal aliens, are entitled to taxpayer-supported public education through high school.
UConn's approach may seem harsh, especially when viewed through the eyes of a young illegal alien such as Shaira. Any other policy would only further encourage illegal immigration. To allow illegal aliens to attend public universities reduces the number of legal residents that are able to attend. Legal residents should not be required to subsidize the education of illegal aliens.
I believe that everyone is entitled to pursue a better life. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to pursue everything. My heart bleeds for the young girl, but my heart screams for our own legally born children whose parents and their parents parents have contributed to the building of this great country. Why should we displace ourselves and our own children for others? Our schools are extremely overcrowded and many public schools lack the basic test scores needed to allow our children to pursue higher education.
How can we logically offer to take in others when we are struggling ourselves?
To those with bleeding hearts - when visitors come to your home you expect them to abide by your household rules. Shouldn't the same apply for your country rules? How can we expect people to respect us when we allow them to disrepect our rules?
Posted by: Tamica Jordan | Friday, September 16, 2005 at 02:50 PM
there is no need to portray illegal aliens as if they were mere objects- catch them for money. - what are they ( animals) NO NO... they are human beings and we have to factor in what they provide for our economy. I would like to see any american at the side of the freeways picking strawberries at 95 degree weather. most of them ( out there ) are illegal immigrants - and most of them work and diserve a chance in this world. As for education - most immigrant children have a sense of integrity and will to survive. Immigrant children are "driven" to accomplish something great because they know what would happen if they were still in their third world coutry------- they would most likely be working vs. going to school or be starving. Therefore, when they have a chance they strive to succeed. However, many americans take for granted what liberties they have as an american citizen and never go to school or (if they do) it's merely " party time". So... don't portray illegal immigrants as animals to be hunt down in exchange for money. They could be our next Secretary of State....or our next Supreme court judge>>>
Posted by: marisol | Wednesday, April 20, 2005 at 04:12 PM
Solving the problem of illegal immigrants coming to California is one, firing George Bush. Two a new US agency, the US Customs Enforcement is not doing anything about Immigration anyway, only with the US Embassies, makking the applicates feel it's too tough to apply for a US Visa, so they hire smuggles to get them through. We need a new US Immigration Protection system. One closing the borders a must, two, giving local police power to take into their hands to arrest
illegals and send them back to Mexico.
Three, shut US Companies down for hiring illegals.
Four, raise the fines to US Companies hiring illegal immigrants as will.
Repeal all the laws sponsored by Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, CA Legislative Democratic Latino Caucus, and more.
Also if illegals are going to live here then
pay them the same wages as all US companies
do with us citizens, so there is no unfair competition.
Posted by: Scott Marcotte | Monday, September 20, 2004 at 05:23 PM
It is simple. We don't need more laws.
Make every legal American a deputy and place a bounty on illegals.
If an American catches an illegal alien pay them anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 of what it costs the Border Patrol to apprehend an illegal.
The closer to the border you catch the illegal alien the more money you make. Catching an illegal within 10 miles of the border should net a bonus! This would benefit the property owners near the border who have had their property destroyed by illegals.
Of course, police would be eligible too! So a routine traffic stop just might earn them some extra spending money.
I would wager the problem with illegal crossings just about ceases the minute the policy is put into place.
Posted by: jim smithe | Sunday, July 11, 2004 at 02:32 PM