Kerry seeks the traditionally conservative-leaning veterans' vote. The Associated Press reports:
Kerry was to announce volunteer veterans coordinators in all 50 states who will try to recruit current and former soldiers to his campaign. The goal is to sign up 1 million veterans to help get out the vote for Kerry in what they say would be an unprecedented veterans organization in a presidential campaign.
John Hurley, the national director of Veterans for Kerry, says veterans will be motivated to vote for Kerry because of his war experience and their anger at diminished services from the Veterans Administration and Bush's handling of Iraq.[. . .]
The Bush campaign also has a band of volunteers to seek out veterans. Retired Lt. Col. Joe Repya said veterans are concerned about Kerry's votes to cut military pay, weapons systems and funding for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan during his nearly 20-year Senate career.
I am 100% disabled veteran living/surviving barely on my $2300 per month disability check? Who is the right President for me? Who is going to start treating America's disabled veteran's like human beings and war heroes,not high-end welfare recepients? I tried to get anaffordable federally subsidized housing/apartment and they told me I make too much according to federal guidelines for apartments, what a joke,really? I am too wealthy,too rich for feceral housing,yet too poor to afford the $1100 a month my area brings for a 2/2 basic apartment?Plus car,insurance,food,gas,special needs,clothes,furnishings of some kind?Give me a break already,this country treats it's veterans like third class citizens,pays/compensates us like dogs looking for scraps! Not my opinion, my actual lifestyle, unfortunately, due to the political losers in office!I'm a veteran and I vote, I would love to know if anybody agrees with me and has any solution short of John McCain, who I'm sure would have been good for disabled veterans at the very least!So who should get my and thousands just like me,votes?
Posted by: Stephen Basso | Friday, September 10, 2004 at 12:58 AM