I thought that with all the handlers on the Kerry campaign staff this would never be allowed to happen.
The picture conjures up one image the Kerry campaign should have avoided at all costs.
Kerry's Dukakis moment is a big hit in the blogosphere and is featured at numerous blogs including:
Accidental Verbosity
A Small Victory
Candy Universe
Democrats Give Conservatives Indegestion
Digital Marine
Down Range
Hog On Ice
MJG's Political Blog
Mark the Pundit
Matt Margolis Blog
Millers Time
Neophyte Pundit
New England Republican
Right Side Of The Rainbow
Ramblings' Journal
Sons of the Republic
The Frozen Toaster
The Pink Flamingo Bar Grill
The Smarter Cop
This listing will be updated as I become aware of others.
UPDATE: Michael Van Winkle at Chicago Report posts pictures of both President Bush and Kerry throwing a first pitch. Michael wonders whether Kerry's pitching effort at the Red Sox game isn't as bad as as the Kerry spaceman picture.
check this out guys, hilarious! Kerry in his bunny suit hat...
Posted by: mike smith | Monday, August 09, 2004 at 06:39 PM
ax grid much? Love it.
Posted by: Dustin | Thursday, July 29, 2004 at 02:11 PM