Kerry's Dukakis moment pictures have been removed from NASA's website. reports that NASA's General Counsel ordered the images removed due to Hatch Act concerns. The Hatch Act restricts the political activity of certain federal employees. I'm not an expert on the Hatch Act, but I don't see the connection.
Meanwhilejust in case Kerry's campaign manager has any credibility left, yesterday reported that the Kerry campaign requested that pictures be taken during Kerry's tour:
This is one of those stories that never should have amounted to much more than some of us having a good chuckle over Kerry looking Dukakis like in a "bunny suit."Furthermore, NASA spokesman Bill Johnson said the Kerry campaign asked that the pictures be taken of the senator's unusually up-close tour of the Discovery and that processing be expedited so reporters could have them.
Keryy's staff made the funny Kodak moment into "bunnygate" when Kerry's campaign manager accused NASA of dirty tricks. As a result the Kerry campaign is suffering through its Dukakis moment for a third day.
UPDATE: now reports:
After a legaL review by NASA lawyers, the photos of Sen. John Kerry in the famous,"bunny suit" will be posted sometimes this evening on