Why is Max Cleland going to introduce Kerry at the Democratic convention tonight?
Cleland has become a poster boy for the Democratic Party as a result of one of the Democrat's big lies. The big, lie told over and over by the Democrats, is that the Republican Party challenged Cleland's patriotism when he ran for reelection as a U.S. Senator from Georgia in the last election.
Lowell Ponte at FrontPageMagazine.com writes:
Will Collier at VodkaPundit puts it more personally:The infamous ad opened with brief images of the War on Terror, including a photo of Osama bin Laden. A voiceover intoned: “[Cleland] says he supports President Bush [in the war on terror] at every opportunity, but that’s not the truth.” The ad noted that Senator Cleland had voted 11 times to put the selfish interests of organized labor above the safety of all Americans – a reference to the Democrats' attempt to unionize airport security workers.
Cleland responded to the ad by claiming that his honor as a wounded war veteran had been impugned by a vile Republican smear that linked him to the terrorist mastermind of 9/11. "This 'how-dare-you-attack-my-patriotism' ploy, replete with feigned outrage," wrote Jim Wooten a rabid anti-Bush, antiwar leftist in the liberal Atlanta Journal-Constitution, "is a device to put Cleland’s voting records off-limits."
Cleland’s evasive claim, widely echoed by Democrats, is absurd. The ad never morphed bin Laden’s face into Cleland’s nor accused him of serving al-Qaeda. The ad merely connected this terrorist’s image (in the same brief frame with the face of Saddam Hussein and two images of American soldiers) to the terrorist horror of 9/11 to remind voters that more than union privilege and power was at stake. To see and hear a RealPlayer version of Saxby Chambliss’ ad for yourself – instead of relying on Democrat propaganda about it – click the active hyperlink in the story “The Myth of Max Cleland” you can reach by clicking here.
So I wonder why Max Cleland is going to introduce John Kerry tonight.Nobody ever questioned your patriotism, Mr. Cleland.
[. . .]
You were defeated because you talked like Zell Miller in Georgia, but voted like John Kerry and Ted Kennedy in Washington. You were defeated because we didn't trust you any more, and we didn't want you wielding power in our name.
Is it to talk about real issues, such as:
How Iraq is an integral part of the war against terrorism and why we must succeed?
How we can better care for our veterans?
Whether airport security workers should be unionized?
Whether there should be tougher gun control laws?
Whether the Boy Scouts should continue to be allowed to use school facilities?
Or is it merely to serve as an unfortunate symbol perpetuating a big lie?
I hope it's the former because we could certainly benefit from a campaign that focuses on issues instead of merely how much the Democrats don't like President Bush.
We'll see.
Do unto other as you would have them do unto you. We all need to find the plank in our own eye first.
Posted by: Sheldon Firem | Tuesday, September 07, 2004 at 06:30 PM
Hello liberals, too bad you don't understand how to treat people and accept different points of view. Because others have different beliefs and standards you condemn them. What a wonderful country we would have if you tried to get other to see you point of view with love instead of vigerous action and mean mail.
VOTE BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Ted Jones | Wednesday, August 25, 2004 at 11:05 PM
Lowell Ponte should have done a bit more research. Jim Wooten ain't "a rabid anti-Bush, antiwar leftist in the liberal Atlanta Journal-Constitution;" he's the only conservative left on that rag's editorial board (he's also a neighbor of mine, although we've never met in person). Ponte's description can definitely be applied to the remainder of the hacks who appear on the Urinal-Constipation's editorial page, but it's a bum rap of the first order on Wooten.
Posted by: Will Collier | Friday, July 30, 2004 at 10:17 AM