Teresa Heinz Kerry calls President Bush's consistency a character flaw that shows "inattention and indifference" rather than strength. The Associated Press reports:
According to the Associated Press, voters see Bush as the more decisive of the two candidates. A recent Associated Press-Ipsos poll found that 75% of registered voters labeled Bush as decisive while 37 percent described Kerry that way.
She said of her husband, "His value in understanding complexity and not being afraid to face it and take action and follow through have been a trademark throughout his life."Of Bush, the Republican-turned-Democrat said the president "demonstrates he cannot and will not change. The president thinks this shows strength when all it shows is inattention and indifference."
Gallup reports that a CNN/USA Today/Gallup survey conducted September 3-5 showed President Bush leading or essentially tied with Kerry on five out of six characteristics that Gallup tracked since July.
Is a strong and decisive leader
Bush 60
Kerry 32Is honest and trustworthy
Bush 47
Kerry 38Shares your values
Bush 48
Kerry 45
Has an optimistic vision for the country's future
Bush 46
Kerry 44Will unite the country and not divide it
Bush 44
Kerry 46
Cares about the needs of people like you
Bush 41
Kerry 48
In time of war voters want a strong leader. Gallup's polling bears this out. In the 2000 election, issues were more important than leadership - 44% to 36%. Today voters feel the opposite, leadership skills trump candidates' stances on issues - 50% to 38%.
This is good news for president Bush and explains his strong standing in recent polls. An image as a flip flopper who tries to be on both sides of every issue cannot make a candidate appear to be strong and decisive. Because President Bush is perceived as strong and decisive, some who disagree with President Bush will choose his decisiveness over Kerry's excessive nuances. Mrs. Heinz Kerry would say Kerry is more flexible. So he is, much too much so.
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