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Tuesday, November 30, 2004


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Truth is never an enemy

sorry.. the last comment was for EdWonk not you SDC.

Maybe you should think before you speak or text there "EdWonk" or get at least a halfway decent education in that imperialist nation of yours. Nevermind, that's not the "American Way".

Truth is never an enemy

There is a big difference with what Germany had done with WW2 and now with what Amerika is doing currently in Iraq, which in mild terms is genocide. Of course for Amerikans Adolf Hitler for all human eternity will be labled as maybe the worst douchebag to ever exist on the planet meanwhile Amerika turns its head to its own monsters. In Germany they have large graveyards that commemorate what had been done to the Jewish and when you come to germany you get a sense of a people who are shamed and in some ways broken because.. lest we not forget there were people who got bombed there also. All of this is much more than what I can say for Amerika. A proud, full of shit nation so full of themselves they dont see their daily crimes. Where's the apology to the natives that were driven off the land and slaughtered? wheres the recognition of what happen to them? any graveyards or places of commemoration as a way to say sorry for Amerika's crimes to these people? No in fact the crimes just keep piling up against them dont they.Truth is Amerika needs and deserves Bush as their master, he symbolizes everything this empty system represents.Nothingness! Lick the boots of your master and by all means stay in your own country..oh that's right you already stole the land you're on!
And doesnt Rumsfeld have family from Bremen? here is an interesting little article.

THE RUMSFELDS of Weyhe-Sudweyhe, an unremarkable red-brick suburb of Bremen, were once proud of their long-lost cousin, America's secretary of state for defence - but no longer.

Like many Germans, they are appalled by Donald Rumsfeld's hawkish attitude to military action against Saddam Hussein. About 18,000 anti-war demonstrators marched through Munich yesterday to protest at his presence at an international security conference - chanting slogans such as "No room for Rumsfeld!"

"We think it is dreadful that Donald Rumsfeld is out there pushing for a war against Iraq," ...
Sunday Telegraph (London, England); 2/9/2003; Paterson, Tony

Maybe you should think before you speak or text there SDC or get at least a halfway decent education in that imperialist nation of yours. Nevermind, that's not the "American Way".


"It is not the questions that get us in trouble. It is the answers".


*LOL* A GERMAN court is handling a lawsuit against an AMERICAN government official for alleged war crimes. You're right, Yankee, you can't make this stuff up! ;)

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