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Tuesday, December 21, 2004


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It sounds like you are saying "I support the right of people to protest, except when they are protesting against things that I support."

Almost There

You are so right, Walter.

Jen Owen

I look at all the anti Bush comments and I wonder how one of the most hated men in America has been re-elected as president. Does this math seem strange to anyone else?

Jen Owen

I look at all the anti Bush comments and I wonder how one of the most hated men in America has been re-elected as president. Does this math seem strange to anyone else?

Mark Smitty

Oh, by the way. I will be at an anti-Bush innaguration party. I have not gotten over my revulsion at his re-election. Gag.

Mark Smitty

I hope that the murderer gets his limo egged again. He is not fit for the Presidency.

His killing of thousands of innocent Iraqis make him a war criminal like Saddam. We need to incarcerate Bush in the same prison cell and let the both of those creatures have at each other.


So if I plan to go to the inauguration and support the President, along with many more thousands of his supporters- undoubtedly a much larger number than these dweebs wil ever collect - can I get an article written about me - I mean us?

Probably not.

What a bunch of self-centered, immature bleeps these people are.

Walter E. Wallis

These people are not far from strapping on explosives.

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