The Associated Press reports that Al Sharpton was paid $86,715 by the Democratic National Committee to campaign for Kerry and other Democratic candidates.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Sharpton admitted he was paid for travel:
"They asked me to travel to 20 or 30 cities to campaign, and I did that," Sharpton said. "What am I supposed to do, donate the cost of air fare?"
As usual the Reverend Al wasn't being totally forthcoming. According to the Associated Press, Sharpton was paid for more than travel:
But records show that while most of the money was to reimburse travel expenses, Sharpton was paid $35,000 as a "political consulting fee" 15 days after the election.
So when Sharpton was at Kerry's side when Kerry was trying to connect with black voters it wasn't necessarily because Sharpton thought Kerry was the best candidate, it was because Sharpton was paid a "consulting" fee.
None of the other eight Democrats who were once in the race were paid travel reimbursements or consulting fees.
UPDATE: At Catain's Quarters, Captain Ed posts that payments to Sharpton amount to a shakedown by Sharpton or a payoff by Kerry.
At Outside The Beltway, James Joyner posts that a $35,000 "consulting fee is rather odd considering that the Kerry campaign isn't paying some of the people who were actually its employees.
Did Sharpton arrive with Jesse Jackson? They protest the war during the day and go to Hooters at night. Scumbags!
Posted by: scottfromca | Friday, August 26, 2005 at 02:30 PM
All that, and apparently Reverand Al had a lady-friend on the side...
Posted by: EdWonk | Thursday, December 09, 2004 at 09:26 PM