United Press International reports the U.N. Security Council denounced ian President Ahmadinejad's comments denying the existence of the Holocaust.
According to the U.N. News Service, in condemning Ahmadinejad's comments, Council members "fully backed" Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s response:
At that time, the Secretary-General recalled that the General Assembly recently adopted a resolution rejecting denial of the Holocaust and urged all countries to educate their populations about that genocide.
“The members of the Security Council reaffirm the rights and obligations of the State of Israel as a full and long-standing member of the United Nations, and reaffirm that, under the United Nations Charter, all Members have undertaken to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State,” Ambassador Jones Parry said.
Ahmadinejad not only denied the Holocaust, but said Israel should be moved to Europe.
This is the second time in two months that the Security Council has seen fit to condemn 's loose cannon President.