UPDATE: Alito Confirmed. I am proud to say that California Yankee's Alito Vote Watch got it right. I also want to convey my sincere thanks to all those who followed this post and especially those who helped with suggestions or tips.
Last Updated 01-31-2006 at 11:45 AM. Originally posted 01-19-2006 at 12:09 PM.
I have been able to trackdown the positions of ninety-nine senators, who have announced how they will vote on Judge Alito's confirmation. This post will be updated as more positions are announced.
1 UNANNOUNCED: Landrieu (D - LA).
58 FOR: Allard (R - CO), Allen (R - VA), Alexander (R - TN), Bennett (R - UT),Bond (R - MO), Brownback (R - KS), Bunning (R - KY), Burns (R - MT), Burr (R - NC), Byrd (D - WV), Crapo (R - ID), Chambliss (R - GA), Coburn (R - OK), Cochran (R - MS), Coleman (R - MN), Collins (R - ME), Conrad (D - ND), Cornyn (R - TX), Craig (R - ID), DeMint, (R - SC), DeWine (R - OH), Dole (R - NC), Domenici (R - NM), Ensign (R - NV), Enzi, (R - WY), Frist (R - TN), Graham (R - SC), Grassley (R - IA), Gregg (R - NH), Hagel (R - NE), Hatch (R - UT), Hutchison (R - TX), Inhofe (R - OK), Isakson (R - GA), Johnson (D - SD), Kyl (R - AZ), Lott (R - MS), Lugar (R - IN), Martinez (R - FL), McCain (R - AZ), McConnell (R - KY), Murkowski (R - AK), Nelson (D - NE), Roberts (R - KS), Santorum (R - PA), Sessions (R - AL), Shelby (R - AL), Smith (R - OR), Snowe (R - ME), Specter (R - PA), Stevens (R - AK), Sununu (R - NH), Talent (R - MO), Thomas (R - WY), Thune (R - SD), Vitter (R - LA), Voinovich (R - OH) and Warner (R - VA).
41 42 AGAINST: Akaka (D - HI), Baucus (D - MT), Bayh (D - IN),Bingaman (D - NM), Biden (D - DE), Boxer (D - CA), Cantwell (D - WA), Carper, (D - DE), Chafee, (R - RI) , Clinton (D - NY), Dayton (D - MN), Dodd (D - CT), Dorgan (D - ND), Durbin (D - IL), Feingold (D - WI), Feinstein (D - CA), Harkin, (D - IA), Inouye (D - HI), Jeffords (I - VT), Kennedy (D - MA), Kerry (D - MA), Kohl (D - WI), Landrieu, (D - LA), Lautenberg (D - NJ), Leahy (D - VT), Levin (D - MI), Lieberman (D - CT), Lincoln (D - AR), Menendez (D - NJ), Mikulski (D - MD), Murray (D - WA), Nelson (D - FL), Obama (D - IL), Pryor (D - AR), Reed (D - RI), Reid (D - NV), Rockefeller (D - WV), Salazar (D - CO), Sarbanes (D - MD), Schumer (D - NY) Stabenow (D - MI) and Wyden (D - OR).
Akaka, Daniel- (D - HI) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Alexander, Lamar- (R - TN) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Allard, Wayne- (R - CO) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Allen, George- (R - VA) Press reports indicate he is committed to supporting confirmation.
Baucus, Max- (D - MT) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Bayh, Evan- (D - IN) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Bennett, Robert- (R - UT) Press reports indicate he is committed to supporting confirmation.
Biden, Joseph- (D - DE) Voted against recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Bingaman, Jeff- (D - NM) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Bond, Christopher- (R - MO) Announced he supports Alito’s nomination.
Boxer, Barbara- (D - CA) Announced she opposes Alito’s nomination.
Brownback, Sam- (R - KS) Announced he will vote for confirmation and voted for recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Bunning, Jim- (R - KY) Press reports indicate he is committed to supporting confirmation.
Burns, Conrad- (R - MT) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Burr, Richard- (R - NC) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Byrd, Robert- (D - WV) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Cantwell, Maria- (D - WA) Announced she will vote against confirmation.
Carper, Thomas- (D - DE) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Chafee, Lincoln- (R - RI) Announced he would vote against confirmation.
Chambliss, Saxby- (R - GA) Announced he supports Alito’s confirmation.
Clinton, Hillary- (D - NY) Announced she would vote against confirmation.
Coburn, Tom- (R - OK) Voted for recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Cochran, Thad- (R - MS) Press reports indicate he is committed to supporting confirmation.
Coleman, Norm- (R - MN) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Collins, Susan- (R - ME) Announced she will vote for confirmation.
Conrad, Kent- (D - ND) Announced he is leaning toward voting for Judge Alito.
Cornyn, John- (R - TX) Voted for recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Craig, Larry- (R - ID) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Crapo, Michael- (R - ID) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Dayton, Mark- (D - MN) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
DeMint, Jim- (R - SC) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
DeWine, Mike- (R - OH) Voted for recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Dodd, Christopher- (D - CT) Announced he would vote against confirmation.
Dole, Elizabeth- (R - NC) Announced she will vote for confirmation.
Domenici, Pete- (R - NM) Press reports indicate he is committed to supporting confirmation.
Dorgan, Byron- (D - ND) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Durbin, Richard- (D - IL) Announced he would vote against confirmation and voted against recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Ensign, John- (R - NV) Press reports indicate he is committed to supporting confirmation.
Enzi, Michael- (R - WY) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Feingold, Russell- (D - WI) Voted against recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Feinstein, Dianne- (D - CA) Press reports indicate she will vote against confirmation and voted against recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Frist, Bill- (R - TN) Press reports indicate he is committed to supporting confirmation.
Graham, Lindsey- (R - SC) Voted for recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Grassley, Chuck- (R - IA) Announced he will vote for confirmation and voted for recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Gregg, Judd- (R - NH) Announced he would vote for confirmation.
Hagel, Chuck- (R - NE) Announced he supports Alito’s nomination.
Harkin, Tom- (D - IA) Announced he would vote against confirmation.
Hatch, Orrin- (R - UT) Voted for recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Hutchison, Kay- (R - TX) Announced she will vote for confirmation.
Inhofe, James- (R - OK) Press reports indicate he is committed to supporting confirmation.
Inouye, Daniel- (D - HI) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Isakson, Johnny- (R - GA) Press reports indicate he is committed to supporting confirmation.
Jeffords, James- (I - VT) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Johnson, Tim- (D - SD) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Kennedy, Edward- (D - MA) Announced he would vote against confirmation and voted against recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Kerry, John- (D - MA) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Kohl, Herb- (D - WI) Announced he will vote against confirmation and voted against recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Kyl, Jon- (R - AZ) Announced he will vote for confirmation and voted for recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Landrieu, Mary- (D - LA) Voted against confirmation.
Lautenberg, Frank- (D - NJ) Announced he would vote against confirmation.
Leahy, Patrick- (D - VT) Announced he would vote against confirmation and voted against recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Levin, Carl- (D - MI) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Lieberman, Joseph- (D - CT) Announced he will vote against Confirmation.
Lincoln, Blanche- (D - AR) Announced she will vote against confirnation.
Lott, Trent- (R - MS) Press reports indicate he is committed to supporting confirmation.
Lugar, Richard- (R - IN) Press reports indicate he is committed to supporting confirmation.
Martinez, Mel- (R - FL) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
McCain, John- (R - AZ) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
McConnell, Mitch- (R - KY) Announced he would vote for confirmation.
Menendez, Robert- (D - NJ) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Mikulski, Barbara- (D - MD) Announced she will vote against confirmation.
Murkowski, Lisa- (R - AK) Announced she will vote for confirmation.
Murray, Patty- (D - WA) Announced he would vote against confirmation.
Nelson, Bill- (D - FL) Announced he would vote against confirmation.
Nelson, Ben- (D - NE) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Obama, Barack- (D - IL) Announced he would vote against confirmation.
Pryor, Mark- (D - AR) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Reed, Jack- (D - RI) Announced he would vote against confirmation.
Reid, Harry- (D - NV) Announced he would vote against confirmation.
Roberts, Pat- (R - KS) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Rockefeller, John- (D - WV) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Salazar, Ken- (D - CO) Announced he would vote against confirmation.
Santorum, Rick- (R - PA) Announced he supports confirmation.
Sarbanes, Paul- (D - MD) Announced he will vote against confirmation.
Schumer, Charles- (D - NY) Announced he is leaning towards voting against confirmation and voted against recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Sessions, Jeff- (R - AL) Voted for recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Shelby, Richard- (R - AL) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Smith, Gordon- (R - OR) Said he expects to vote for confirmation.
Snowe, Olympia- (R - ME) Announced she will vote for confirmation.
Specter, Arlen- (R - PA) Announced he will vote for confirmation and voted for recommending confirmation in the Judiciary Committee.
Stabenow, Debbie- (D - MI) Announced she would vote against confirmation.
Stevens, Ted- (R - AK) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Sununu, John- (R - NH) Announced he would vote for confirmation.
Talent, James- (R - MO) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Thomas, Craig- (R - WY) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Thune, John- (R - SD) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Vitter, David- (R - LA) Announced he will vote for confirmation.
Voinovich, George- (R - OH) Press reports indicate he is committed to supporting confirmation.
Warner, John- (R - VA) Announced he would vote for confirmation.
Wyden, Ron- (D - OR) Announced he would vote against confirmation.
Dorgan, Rockefeller and Bayh will oppose Alito:
As of 8:50pmEST, 57 will support and 41 will oppose Alito. Snowe and Landrieu are the only Senators still undecided.
Posted by: benveniste | Monday, January 30, 2006 at 08:51 PM
CPAN is showing Bayh and Dorgan as no votes
Posted by: Nick | Monday, January 30, 2006 at 08:44 PM
Great site. Thanks for doing this.
Posted by: Tom | Friday, January 27, 2006 at 08:51 PM
CA you've done a great job with this.
You may want to start a list of those supporting a filibuster and those against. Could get interesting but I personally think about 30-32 will be the upper limit of those supporting.
Posted by: Luke | Friday, January 27, 2006 at 05:50 PM
Wow. That's John Kerry leadership. Wait until the 11th hour, all the Republicans in the plus column, along with three Dems, then start to rattle the saber about a filibuster. True leadership!
Posted by: richcook99 | Friday, January 27, 2006 at 10:42 AM
Byrd is in the for Column as well. Lieberman against.
Posted by: Adam Graham | Thursday, January 26, 2006 at 05:55 PM
Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., today became the third Democrat to announce he will vote to confirm Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court. Byrd announced his decision in a floor speech.
Posted by: prolito | Thursday, January 26, 2006 at 05:22 PM
WSJ (http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110007811) counts Jim Jeffords (I-VT), Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), and Daniel Inouye (D-HI) in the "No" column.
Posted by: hyphen | Thursday, January 26, 2006 at 01:31 PM
Mary Landreau is probably pacing up and down for days now because she knows that going with her party votes against Alito means going against the overwellming majority of the views of her constituents here in our state.
Posted by: Nick | Wednesday, January 25, 2006 at 09:19 PM
Mary Landreau is probably pacing up and down for days now because she knows that going with her party votes against Alito means going against the overwellming majority of the views of her constituents.
Posted by: Nick | Wednesday, January 25, 2006 at 09:19 PM
Bayh will vote against just like he did on Condi. He has to position left for primaries.
Posted by: Sami | Wednesday, January 25, 2006 at 01:45 PM
Good work here. Thanks for keeping everyone up to date.
Posted by: Ben Keeler | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 12:14 AM
Well if you add the R's that aren't committed but likely to vote for Alito (every R except Voinovich, Collins, Snowe, Chafee) then it comes to 51 aye votes for Alito. Looking pretty good for a sane Supreme Court. Thank God.
Posted by: George Templeton | Monday, January 23, 2006 at 01:59 PM
America will have it's monarchy. Choke on it DemocRATS.
Posted by: Randy | Sunday, January 22, 2006 at 05:11 PM
Nothing can stop this confirmation. Pay particular attention to McCain---his endorsement will bring enough support from the so-called "Gang of 14" to carry this through. Judge Alito is such a common-sense confirmation, extremists like Kennedy are really going to be made to look foolish.
Posted by: nalyd | Sunday, January 22, 2006 at 01:54 PM
Another suggestion: could you mark the gang of 14 on this list? In some ways, they are the most critical (for now).
Posted by: Intrope | Saturday, January 21, 2006 at 10:30 PM
Prolito, Thanks for the tip.
Posted by: California Yankee | Saturday, January 21, 2006 at 12:19 AM
mccain is also clearly in the "for alito" column. see mccain.senate.gov: “I will vote to confirm Judge Alito, who demonstrated in his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that he will be an intelligent, fair, and open-minded justice who respects the judiciary’s important but limited role of interpreting the law.”
Posted by: prolito | Friday, January 20, 2006 at 09:58 PM
Luke, Thanks for the suggestion.
Posted by: California Yankee | Friday, January 20, 2006 at 07:21 PM
Just a suggestion, but have you thought of different colors for the "for/against" positions? Would make it easier to read.
The gray is kind of blah.
Posted by: Luke | Friday, January 20, 2006 at 05:57 PM