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Tuesday, January 31, 2006


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California Yankee

Bird Dog, You may be right, but when? Last October Blumenthal announced he would not seek the Democratic nomination for governor in 2006. Instead he chose to run for re-election to an unprecedented fifth term as attorney general.I love this job, Blumenthal said. It affords endless challenges and opportunities to help people.

This job is also right for my family, he added. My children are still at ages where they are counting on me to be there. I have always put family first, and I have decided to do it again now.In 2000, David Plotz lamented that Blumenthal was supposed to be president and wondered what happened. New Haven Advocate political columnist Paul Bass explained:He's intelligent. He's a decent guy. He just doesn't have the fire for a tough run. He wants it to be handed to him, and it never was.

bird dog

Blumenthal is running for governor. That's what this is about.

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