A new Quinnipiac University poll finds voters think Illegal Immigration is a serious problem:
"This poll reflects local concerns about immigrants gathering on street corners, waiting for jobs, or packed into illegal housing and the like. Red state, blue state and purple state voters agree: Illegal immigration is a serious problem," said Maurice Carroll, Director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.[. . .]
"There's not much sympathy for illegal immigrants. Three fifths of Americans, across geographic lines, don't want it to be easier for them to become citizens. Only in blue states, where Sen. John Kerry won the 2004 Presidential contest, is there slight support for making it easier for illegal workers to become legal," Carroll said.
On specific issues, the poll found American voters opposed to providing benefits to illegal aliens:
84 percent in favor of requiring proof of legal residency in order to obtain government benefits.72 percent opposed to allowing illegal immigrants to get drivers' licenses.
62 percent opposed to making it easier for illegal immigrants to become citizens.
54 percent opposed to making it easier for illegal immigrants to become legal workers.
Quinnipiac found little difference among voting groups on the question of curbing legal immigration.
The Quinnipiac poll was conducted from February 21 - 28 and has a margin of error of +/- 2.3 percent.
The American voter understands what few of our so-called leaders fail to grasp. Providing services to illegal aliens such as educating their children and issuing them drivers licenses is one of the incentives encouraging illegal aliens to continue to sneak into the country. Only if we require recipients of those benefits to provide documentation they are in the country legally, will there be any hope of controlling the border.
Amazingly 16% want illegal aliens to receive taxpayer money, 28% want them to have drivers licenses, 38% want to give them citizenship and 46% want to give them some form of amnesty.
While most are opposed, some seem out of touch with the realities of illegal aliens.
Posted by: Digger | Monday, March 06, 2006 at 09:12 AM