The Associated Press reports the Senate's immigration reform compromise, announced only yesterday, has fallen by the wayside making it unlikely a "reform" bill will pass this year.
The compromise bill received only 38 of the 60 votes necessary to protect it from amendments.
Republicans were united in the 38-60 parliamentary vote but Democrats, who have insisted on no amendments, lost six votes from their members.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman and Pennsylvania Republican, Arlen Specter said:
It's not gone forward because there's a political advantage for Democrats not to have an immigration bill.
According to the Associated Press, Specter said "Democrats perceive a benefit in having only a GOP-written House bill that criminalizes being an illegal immigrant."
Even if the Senate passed the compromise it is hard to imagine how it could be reconciled with the House bill.
Supporters of rights for illegal aliens are wrong to think it is better not to have a compromise so more protests will be mounted in opposition to the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act approved by the House last December. The Protests, with Mexican flags and banners promoting reconquista, rub most U.S. citizens the wrong way.
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