The London Sunday Telegraph via the Washington Times reports Israel has appointed a general to oversee a war against :
Maj. Gen. Elyezer Shkedy, Israel's air force chief, will be overall commander for the " front," military sources told the London Sunday Telegraph.
According to the Telegraph, Gen. Shkedy was appointed to the role two months ago and will draw up battle plans for any war with .
Gen. Shkedy makes no bones about the ian threat to Israel:
"Ahmadinejad is trying with all his might to reach a nuclear capability. There's no argument about his intentions," he said in an interview two months ago, about the time of his appointment.This ... nuclear weaponry can come to constitute an existential threat to Israel and the rest of the world. My job is to maximize our capabilities in every respect. Beyond that, in this case, the less said the better.
Israel has no choice but to prepare for war with . is under a U.N. Security Council deadline to suspend uranium enrichment by August 31, or face political and economic sanctions. The ian mullahocracy remains defiant, calling the Security Council's resolution that set the deadline "illegal" and has insisted it won't give up its nuclear program. The mullahs's intransigence is encouraged by Russia's rejection of sanctions against .