UPDATE: With Daschle's decision not to run, there are only 24 potential 2008 presidential candidates.
With Frist's decision not to run, there remain 25 potential 2008 presidential candidates.
Potential Republican 2008 Presidential Candidates:
- Virginia Senator George F. Allen
- Kansas Senator Samuel D. "Sam" Brownback
- Illinois attorney John H. Cox
- Former US House Speaker and Georgia Congressman, Newton L. "Newt" Gingrich
- Former New York City Mayor Rudolph W. "Rudy" Giuliani
- Nebraska Senator Charles T. "Chuck" Hagel
- Arkansas Governor Michael D. "Mike" Huckabee
- California Congressman Duncan L. Hunter
- Arizona Senator John S. McCain III
- New York Governor George E. Pataki
- Massachusetts Governor W. Mitt Romney
- Colorado Congressman Thomas G. "Tom" Tancredo
- Former Wisconsin Governor Tommy G. Thompson
- Senate Majority Leader and Tennessee Senator,
William H. "Bill" Frist
Potential Democratic 2008 Presidential Candidates:
- Indiana Senator and former governor, Evan Bayh
- Delaware Senator Joseph R. "Joe" Biden Jr.
- Retired Army General Wesley K. "Wes" Clark
- New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
- Connecticut Senator Christopher J. "Chris" Dodd
- Former North Carolina Senator and the Democratic 2004 vice presidential candidate, John R. Edwards
- Former vice president and 2000 Democratic presidential nominee, Albert "Al" Gore Jr.
- Massachusetts Senator and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, John F. Kerry
- Illinois Senator Barack Obama
- New Mexico Governor William B. "Bill" Richardson
- Iowa Governor Thomas J. "Tom" Vilsack
- Former Senate Majority Leader
Thomas A. "Tom" Daschle - Wisconsin Senator
Russell D. "Russ" Feingold - Former Virginia Governor
Mark R. Warner