Associated Press exit polling found nearly half of the Nebraska voters surveyed indicated they did not think Hagel would make a good president.
Only 37 percent believe Hagel would make a good president.
According to the Sioux City Journal, the polling results surprise some who watch Nebraska politics, where only about a third of voters are registered Democrats. Loree Bykerk, a political science professor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, has it right when she says some Republicans are really offended at Hagel's criticism of the president.
Like the negative exit poll numbers for Kerry and Romney, the findings should give Hagel pause as he considers running for president.
Not all the exit polling was bad for the field of potential 2008 presidential candidates. Senator Hillary Clinton of New York saw more than half the voters polled in her state offer their endorsement, and 64 percent of those polled in Illinois thought Democratic Senator Barak Obama would make a good president.