Don't miss Thomas Sowell's "Duke Case: The Larger Tragedy."
The Duke case actually did involve a rape. Not the rape that the reprehensible demagogue, District Attorney Nifong, wrongly claimed Duke lacrosse players committed. No, the rape was committed by people in "'responsible' positions in the media, in academia," and those "consumed by racial resentments and thirst for revenge:"
The haste and vehemence with which scores of Duke University professors publicly took sides against the students in this case is just one sign of how deep the moral dry rot goes, in even our most prestigious institutions.
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We have become a society easily stampeded, even by the unsubstantiated, inconsistent and mutually contradictory statements of a woman with a criminal record.
All it takes is something that invokes the new holy trinity of the intelligentsia -- "race, class and gender." The story of a black woman gang-raped by white men fit the theme so compellingly that much of the media had no time to waste trying to find out if it was true before going ballistic.
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The unraveling Duke "rape" case should be a wake-up call, both for blacks and for liberals, on how easy it is for their emotions to be manipulated by even a third-rate demagogue with a flimsy fraud. The time is long overdue for some of those who consider themselves "thinking people" to start doing some thinking.
Read the whole thing.
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