Buried in the mainstream media's rush to declare the "surge" a failure, Defense Secretary Robert Gates "cautiously offered the possibility that troops could begin drawing down next winter:"
Gates said the decision to extend the deployments of U.S. troops from one year to 15 months "gets all the bad news out at once." But, he added, "the new news that may come sometime next winter is, 'Oh, by the way, you don't have to go, or you're not going to be extended.'"Democrats and their biased supporters, the mainstream media, declared the two-month-old security plan a failure after to terror attacks obviously designed to evoke just such a response. The headline grabbing attacks, the bombing of Iraqi parliament building's cafeteria and a truck bombing of major bridge spanning the Tigris River in Baghdad, do not mean the new strategy is not working. We must remember that launched just two months ago the new security plan is just beginning. The troop 'surge' is not expected to reach full strength until June.Asked if he thinks that may happen next winter, he said, "I think it's a possibility."
The Democrats campaigned for a change in our efforts in Iraq. After the midterm election thumpin' President Bush made changes. He fired Rumsfeld, put General Petraeus in charge in Iraq, and developed a revised strategy, which even in its initial stages is showing signs of progress. It is disgustingly shameful for the Democrats and their mainstream media supporters to work so hard to ensure we don't succeed in the war. If they truly want to bring troops home sooner, perhaps next winter as suggested by Secretary Gates, they should support the war effort instead of assisting our enemies with their strategy of slowly bleeding the war effort to death.
Shame on Mr. Gates for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. By announcing that our troops might be leaving Iraq by next winter. Isn't he sending the wrong message. What's the difference bwteen Mr. Gates' proposal and the Recommendation put foward by Congress?
Posted by: jay hariton | Monday, April 16, 2007 at 06:48 PM