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Tuesday, April 03, 2007


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Paul Hager

Stumbled onto your site while doing a routine websearch for an article I had read a couple of days ago. We appear to be simpatico on the Iranian nuke issue.

You might find the series of articles I've written about Iran on my blog, The Hoosier Gadfly (www.paulhager.org/wordpress) of interest. In particular, I'd recommend "Intel chief oversees bureaucratic Type II error" dealing with the absurd 2006 NIE estimate that Iran was 5 to 10 years from a bomb; "Keystone Kops awarded Nobel Peace Prize" discussing the ineptitude of the IAEA and the political nature of the Peace Prize; and, "Preemptive war against Iran" laying out the rational and ethical arguments for preemption.

Since 2003, I've been of the view that Iran would probably have its first nuke sometime this year. The Iranians may not be able to manage it but, if not, 2008 is almost a certainty unless something is done. Time has just about run out to take action.

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