Democratic Congressman Pete Stark provides a perfect example of why the left-wing extremists are perceived as such loons.
But you're going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the President's amusement.To imply that our soldiers "blow up innocent people" shows how such progressive-liberals "support" our troops.
Watch the video.
What a disgrace!
UPDATE: At The Weekly Standard, Brian Faughnan reminds us that this is not the first time Stark has so disgraced the Congress:
In 1999, Stark said that California's state welfare director Eloise Anderson would "kill children if she had her way."I couldn't agree more.In 1995, he insulted Representative Nancy Johnson (R-CT), calling her a "whore" for the insurance industry, and saying "the gentle lady got her medical degree through pillow talk." Stark later apologized.
In 1990, Stark said of Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Louis Sullivan--who's black--that he was "a disgrace to his race and profession.'" Stark later apologized.
I suppose we ought to be gratified that Stark has at least moved beyond just women and minorities, to occasionally attack white men. Still, that seems small consolation.
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His willingness to slander colleagues and leaders in vulgar and personal terms degrades the House of Representatives. And even by the standards of his Bay Area district, the man is a disgrace to the people he represents.
At Flopping Aces, Curt has much more.