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Tuesday, November 27, 2007


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Lisa P

These were the underlying great problems that will be faced by our countrymen a narrow economic analysis of the ongoing severe economic financial crisis that is ravaging the US and hitting the international community on all continents. My friends, my countrymen, Americans, hear me out for a minute or two. I hope you all thought long and hard about whom to cast your vote for on Election Day. I’d sure love to think everyone did, but I’m not so sure anymore. Most people think harder about whether or not they have to take out a payday advance. Case in point is this audio excerpt from the “Howard Stern Show,” reposted by BPM DJ’s in Pittsburgh, PA. Roving Reporter Sal went out to gather man-on-the-street interviews to see how many people supported Obama or McCain. The underlying motive was to see if they supported Obama simply because he is black. The comedia magnae is that his polling point was Harlem, NYC. His trick is even more telling – he reverses the candidates’ positions, so that it would seem that Obama’s policies were actually McCain’s, and McCain’s Obama’s. The people he spoke to preferred the actual platform of John McCain, and the policies that he attributed to McCain (which are actually Obama’s) were the ones nobody wanted anything to do with. I hope you all thought long and hard before voting. I sincerely hope, my fellow Americans that you did not just jump on the bandwagon.
Read more on this topic: http://personalmoneystore.com/moneyblog/a-fast-cash-payday-advance-saved-my-wifes-stupid-cats/

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