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Wednesday, November 28, 2007


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Well, as the health care problem has managed to increase in the recent years and we face more and more problems, Hillary FORCING people to purchase health insurance is just her digging her own grave. She needs to look at the big picutre. Increasing Medicare premiums have made it very difficult for those on fixed incomes and the elderly. All the while major insurance companies sit back and collect those people's money!! AARP has set up http://www.thisissoridiculous.com so
we can sign a petition to make our voices heard, while you read updated info and watch videos to further your knowledge. It is also very easy to e-mail your congressman from the site to tell him how you feel.. Im working to support AARP for better medicare and we need to have our voices heard...


Well, as the health care problem has managed to increase in the recent years and we face more and more problems, Hillary FORCING people to purchase health insurance is just her digging her own grave. She needs to look at the big picutre. Increasing Medicare premiums have made it very difficult for those on fixed incomes and the elderly. All the while major insurance companies sit back and collect those people's money!! AARP has set up http://www.thisissoridiculous.com so
we can sign a petition to make our voices heard, while you read updated info and watch videos to further your knowledge. It is also very easy to e-mail your congressman from the site to tell him how you feel.. Im working to support AARP for better medicare and we need to have our voices heard...

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