While Romney and Giuliani go at it over the "sanctuary state of mind: "
As for Mr. Romney, he spared no political stripe in denouncing candidates on the subject:"We’re not going to give people who are here illegally drivers licenses, nor are we going to give them tuition breaks in our institutions of higher learning,” Romney said. “This ‘sanctuary state of mind’ which exists from Hillary Clinton to Mayor Giuliani to Governor Huckabee is simply an attitude we’re going to have to change."Updated 4 p.m. Maria Comella, spokeswoman for the Giuliani campaign, shot back this afternoon at Mr. Romney’s criticisms:
"Once again Presidential Trail Mitt Romney completely ignores the record of Governor Mitt Romney. Under Governor Mitt Romney the number of illegal immigrants skyrocketed, while he recommended millions of dollars in state aid to numerous sanctuary cities and to companies employing illegal immigrants, not to mention the illegals working on his own lawn."
Fred Thompson airs a new ad in which he talks about how to solve the illegal immigration problem - securing the border, enforcing the law, and opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Thompson has proposed the government should take away federal dollars from cities and states that don't report illegal immigrants. Under his proposal, so-called "sanctuary cities" would lose discretionary federal grants, as would colleges and universities that allow illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition.
Makes sense to me.
I'm a big Fred Thompson fan. In my estimation, his policies are the gold standard. In fact, it isn't even close. Couple that with his unchanging underlying principles & you've got the man who I want as the next president.
Why settle for less than the best?
Posted by: Gary Gross | Sunday, December 23, 2007 at 02:12 PM