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Wednesday, July 23, 2008


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He added another flag on the plane in replace of the one he took off.

P.S. Barb, he is christian, it has been fact checked and fact checked and fact checked.

barb johnston

i heard he is an islam, is this true?


He replaced a trademark protected coperate symbol from the airline he leased it from!! Come on people...use your brain. He actually does have the american flag in other places on the plane. MCain DOES NOT!! Do your homework. You can look it up on snopes.com

Tracy Anderson

I just hope that isn't his plan for change God forbid he get elected.

Or should I say Allah forbid

Venomous Kate

I guess the crescent moon would've been a bit too obvious.

Venomous Kate

I guess the crescent moon would've been a bit too obvious.

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