Patrick Ruffini thinks Obama's VP vetting is nothing more than a head fake and predicts the Democrats' presumptuous nominee will choose Hillary as his running mate.
Ruffini writes that all of the names on the Obama's short list are flawed:
* Joe Biden's mouth is a constant source of embarrassment. And how would the PUMAs take to a failed second-tier candidate leapfrogging someone with 18 million votes?Read the whole thing.
* Evan Bayh has been vetoed by the netroots
* Kathleen Sebelius would be a clear and direct affront to the PUMAs, much more so even than Biden. The first woman VP/President -- and one you've never heard of -- would increase the sense of Clintonian alienation.
* Tim Kaine. Hahahahahahahahahaha
* Wesley Clark would provide the military experience Obama needs, but his comments about McCain's service are a problem
* Chris Dodd is a crook
Ruffini's prediction makes perfect sense to me. Nothing else will solve The Obama's Democrat deserter problem.
Like Ruffini says, if Bill can be sent to Tahiti for 80 days it just might work.
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