So let’s resolve in the new year to end misguided efforts to create new laws that will cost even more jobs, whether it’s the “cap and trade” national energy tax, the government takeover of health care, “card check,” or even more tax increases.Watch the video:
Transcript of Congressman Hunter's remarks as provided by the Republican National Committee:
I’m Congressman Duncan Hunter, and I represent the 52nd Congressional District of California, the area around San Diego.
In this holiday season, I hope we all take time to offer thanks and prayers to the men and women of our Armed Forces. Many of these service members will spend the holidays away from home, on the frontlines in Iraq and Afghanistan, at bases and on ships around the world.
I understand the sacrifices they are making. Shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, I quit my job and joined the Marine Corps. Prior to coming to Congress, I was deployed to warzones on three separate occasions, twice in Iraq and once in Afghanistan. Just last month, actually, I had an opportunity to visit with our troops in Afghanistan.
I know we all wish everyone could be home for the holidays, but this is not a time for sadness or regret.
Thoughts of home remind us of why we serve: because we’re proud to be Americans, because we want to pass on to our children the blessings of liberty that we inherited from our forefathers, and because nothing matters more to us than protecting our homes and our families.
Our hope is that as a result of this determination and sacrifice, we will never again see our cities and citizens under attack.
I hope we also take a moment this year to reflect on those suffering here at home. For too many families, this will be a difficult Christmas.
One in ten Americans are unemployed. Nearly six million of our citizens have been looking for work for more than six months – the most on record.
All year long, Republicans have offered common-sense solutions to put more money back into the pockets of hard-working families and to help small businesses create more jobs. We’ve also outlined a plan to lower health care premiums by up to 10 percent.
And we have proposed an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy to create more American jobs, ease the strain on family budgets, and clean up our environment. Just as important, these solutions do not raise taxes, grow government, or add to the already skyrocketing debt burden being placed on our kids and grandkids.
After all the promises and all the spending we’ve seen out of Washington this year, out-of-work families are right to be asking, ‘where are the jobs?’ Republicans believe our top priority when it comes to the economy should be simple: first, do no harm.
So let’s resolve in the new year to end misguided efforts to create new laws that will cost even more jobs, whether it’s the “cap and trade” national energy tax, the government takeover of health care, “card check,” or even more tax increases.
Working together, we can make the next holiday season even brighter for all Americans.
Thank you, happy holidays and God Bless America.
As a patriotic citizen of the US I would like to virtually beg Congressman Hunter to consider positioning himself politically to run for the Presidency at some point (he has to be 35!). I believe that he is our absolute best chance to restore sanity, decency, and strength of character to our country and would also, politically, stand a reasonable chance of succeeding, considering his credentials and state of origin. I, for one, would do everything in my power to support him in this effort.
Posted by: Stuart Shepherd, MD | Sunday, February 07, 2010 at 11:05 AM