Good riddance Speaker Pelosi.
There are lots of reasons I will not miss Nancy Pelosi's extreme left wing speakership. There's Air Pelosi and radical legislation such Cap and Tax and ObamaCare. But the biggest reason to cheer the end of the ultra-Liberal/Progressive Pelosi Speakership is the national debt.
In the four years that Pelosi was Speaker the national debt increased an unbelievable 60%.
When the Pelosi Democrats took control of Congress on January 4, 2007, the national debt stood at $8,670,596,242,973.04 -- that's $8.67 trillion. Today, the last day of the 111th Congress and Pelosi's Speakership, the national debt is $13,871,130,353,817.40 -- that's $13.87 trillion. A $5.2 trillion in just four years.
The Pelosi debt works out to $44,662 for every man, woman and child who make up the 310,574,015 U.S. populace.
And Liberals wonder why they are perceived as big spenders.