"President Obama 'has failed by the measurements he set.'" Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney was Charlotte, North Carolina Wednesday. He stood in front of the Bank of America stadium where President Obama will formally accept the Democrats' nomination in September and offered a "prebuttal" to Obama’s convention address.
Romney went after Obama over the so-called stimulus, unemployment, debt, Medicare, Social Security, foreclosures, home values, gas prices and tuition.
Watch a video excerpt of Romney's prebuttal:
MITT ROMNEY: "Virtually nothing the President has done, including his stimulus, which protected government but did not encourage the private sector, virtually nothing he has done has made it more likely for people to get jobs. And so, for three-and-a-half years, we’ve had unemployment above 8 percent.
He set the measure; he has failed by the measurements he set. You won’t hear that at this convention, but you’re going to hear it at ours, I’ll tell you that.
Now, you’re also not going to hear, at his convention, that he is on track to add almost as much public debt to this country as all the prior presidents combined. Even having been critical of President George W. Bush for the debt he added, which of course was far less than that which is being added by this president.
You won’t hear that even though he’s been president for three-and-a-half years, he has yet to propose solutions to save Medicare and Social Security.
You won’t hear that he’s the first president in modern history, in any history, to cut Medicare by $500 billion to pay for his vaunted ObamaCare.
You won’t hear him repeat an accurate statement. I have one… I actually have one in mind in particular, which was from his speech four years ago. I mean listen to this, this is what he said four years ago, and I wish he’d repeat this, and I’m going to change one name at the end. He says ‘Tonight, more Americans are out of work and more are working harder for less. More of you have lost your homes and even more are watching your home’s value plummet. More of you have cars you can’t afford to drive, credit cards, bills you can’t afford to pay and tuition that’s beyond your reach. These challenges are not all of the government’s making, but the failure to respond is a direct result of a broken politics in Washington and the failed policies of…' Yeah, Barack Obama. I changed what word he had in there and put down Barack Obama.
Those things he said about the prior administration are absolutely accurate about his administration and that’s why even if you like Barack Obama, we can’t afford Barack Obama. It’s time to get someone that’ll get this economy going and put the American people back to work with good jobs and rising incomes."
It all comes back to Ronald Reagan's famous question: "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" And even Obama admits that we are not better off than we were four years ago.