It was a very bad polling week for President Obama and ObamaCare, his signature legislative achievement.
First, the new ABC News/Washington Post poll found that, if they had the opportunity to do it over, registered voters would choose Mitt Romney over President Obama by a margin of 49% to 45%. Obama's approvals also hit a new all-time low in the poll with a 42% approval rating, and a record high 55% disapproval. You can watch an ABC News report about the poll in the following video:
The polling for ObamaCare was just as bad, with a record high 57% now opposing the law and just 40% supporting it.
The new CBS News poll found that only 37% now approve of Obama's performance as president and 57% disapprove. The CBS poll also found 61% now disapprove of ObamaCare. All record lows.
Then even the CNN/ORC International poll found record low approval - 41%, and record high disapproval - 56% for Obama.
According to CNN's Political Editor Paul Steinhauser, in the last three weeks Obama's approval rating has now reached new lows or tied his all-time lows in six polls released over the past three weeks:
- CBS News
- ABC News/Washington Post
- Quinnipiac University
- National Journal Heartland Monitor
- NBC News/Wall Street Journal
Perhaps more troubling for Obama, as he tries to rebrand and resell ObamaCare, is the Kaiser Health Tracking Poll released Friday found that ObamaCare is losing support among Women and Democrats.
In the Kaiser poll, women registered their most negative views on the law to date - 48% unfavorable and only 32% favorable. As if that wasn't bad enough, the 55% approval among Democrats is a 15% drop in one month and the sharpest of all demographic groups. That can't be good news for the President and his Obamacrats.
The problem for Obama is that now that Americans actually see and suffer what ObamaCare actually is and does, they see what many of us thought all along, it's a bad product. Obama thinks he can just talk up ObamaCare and it will be accepted. He should speak with the advertising folks who tried to sell Ford's Edsel.
According to advertising executive Jerry Della, there's no point in re-branding or re-marketing ObamaCare because it's simply a bad product:
"Three advertising campaigns for the Edsel. It still didn't work at the end. It was a bad product," he said, adding he doesn't think there is any way the Obama administration could change public perception about the health-care law.
ObamaCare doesn't need to be re-branded and re-sold. It needs to be repealed. How many millions of people have to lose insurance and doctors they like just because the government doesn't like their insurance?
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